you have to let yourself go

I can’t stop thinking about the Paradox of experiencing everything in life by first becoming ...

🌕 My Golden Nuggets This Week

▶️ Video: Clever advertising

📜 Quote:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there.”

~ Rumi

👨‍💻 Tools:

Feedbro: I use it to stay up to date on articles I deem important. It’s free. I use it to access those articles that are paid. Don’t tell anyone I told you….

🎧 Music: Daily staple in my diet → Miyamoto Mushashi at his firepit

You have to let yourself go

“Become nothing, and you’ll turn into everything”
~ Rumi

I can’t stop thinking about the Paradox of experiencing everything in life by first becoming nothing.

Imagine if you could experience constant bliss by letting go of your identity…

When you see this shocking truth, the 'self' you think is real doesn't exist.

1 simple realization away from all your perceived problems…

No longer needing medicine when we feel sick nor a method to feel better.

So let’s understand together how letting go of ‘yourself’, might be the only thing we have to do to find everything we have been looking for.

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, lasting happiness (NOT for an hour)
And satisfaction always seem just out of reach? 

That you chase success, relationships, and experiences, but that deep sense of bliss and contentment remains difficult to catch and hold in your hand at all times. 

What if I told you the solution lies in doing the opposite of what you've been taught?

Have you ever considered that the "self" you think is real might not actually exist?

The person I call Jordan.

Could it be that this Jordan, this identity you cling to, is merely an illusion created by the mind? And if that's the case, could letting go of this illusion be the key to gaining everything in life?

You see?

Since the day people started to talk to us, we got fed illusions that we perceive as reality, because they seem normal.

After all, everyone seems to be looking for achievements, trophies, wealth, families and so on.

So we spend our lives CREATING different identities. 
Because it has been normalized and promoted.

We create our ‘self’ instead of seeing ourselves.

The successful Jordan.
The athlete Jordan.
The father Jordan.

And in doing so, could it be that we are actually CREATING the source of our problems?

I’m not here to give you an answer.
I’m just asking the question.

When I did for myself, I see so many things I have created.

I created the successful CEO who should have a big team of employees…
I created the masculine boyfriend who cannot afford to make a mistake that goes against this concept of masculinity or else his girlfriend will lose attraction…

I can continue.
But it is better if you can see your own persona’s you’ve created.

Now why is this bad?
It isn’t.

I mean, just read the quote at the top of this newsletter again…

But the consequence of doing this will be that everything happens to ME.

Breakup? Masculine Jordan’s mistake.
Bankrupt? CEO Jordan’s mistake.
Injured? Athlete Jordan’s mistake.
In the hospital with health problems? Biohacking Jordan’s mistake.

You see?

We take everything PERSONAL because we are so INVESTED in our identities.
And because we do, we FEEL everything.
The good, the bad.
The money, the stress.
The breakups, the trophies.
The birthdays, the funerals.

And we start to look for solutions.
Because we don’t like the negative feelings.

The stress of the CEO.
The struggle of the father.
The …

But what I am saying is this:

Why look for solutions with an expiration date?
When the creation of our identities is the root of the problems.

That as long as I see ‘successful Jordan’ I can only find temporary calmness in a life full of storms.

What about seeing the freedom in front of you to let go of these identities, so you no longer have to give them water.

You see?

So we no longer have to go to the plant store and buy food for:
‘Entrepreneur Jordan’
‘Father Jordan’
‘Husband Jordan’
‘Masculine Jordan’

Instead, we throw away the plants because we see they produce the toxic oxygen.

What if, the day you let go of the NEED to be "somebody," you no longer feel the need for happiness because you feel it in who you are RIGHT NOW?

Imagine being reborn every day when you wake up.
Without all of your memories and ‘knowledge’.

You would look at the trees with completely new eyes, wouldn’t you?
You would no longer look at things seeking confirmation to what you think you already know.

You would look at it and wonder.

This is not some wishy washy thing that is only nice to say, but doesn’t hold practicality.

You can actually live life this way.
Or maybe better said: finally live life.

For what I have been doing is constantly letting thoughts about the past and the future control what I see right now.

What if the truth is, that who you are today is enough?
You just don't know your true self yet? 

And what if trying to make yourself into someone will only take you further away from that realization?

Could it be that you finally find the things you have been looking for the day you stop searching, for as long as you continue to search, you'll never find it TODAY and always BELIEVE you may find it tomorrow?

Could it be that you're not blissful because you wait for positive events to happen rather than surrendering to it all?

If you give yourself up (without seeing it as a sacrifice), could it be that there is no one left to experience joy and pain?

That every day you wake up and experience the world with new eyes.

That when you stop buying new plants.
That when you stop watering your current plants.
You finally start walking into the real forest outside, which doesn’t need your water, so you can finally experience it without anything and you will see everything.

There is great comfort in the attachment to your plants.
May you find a way to let go, friend.

Talk soon


Chasing Shadows (a poem)

Have you chased shadows, often shy, 
Not catching them regardless how hard you try

Seeking happiness that seems to fly?
Why not let the shadows go, I may say,
To see the sun of a brand new day.

Imagine a world where you're truly free,
No more rain, just always sun that you’ll see.

Can you release the NEED to be 'someone',
And embrace the freedom that's already won.

For in letting go, we may just find,
The peace and joy we've LEFT behind.


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