YouTube Is Your #1 Key To Escape The Rat Race (Here’s How, Fast)

🌕 My Golden Nuggets This Week

If you run a business and are in the right place to hear this, you can learn from this video.

If you are not in the right place, this video probably causes more overwhelm.

It’s in my “👽 GoodPrivate Playlist on YouTube, where I add only those few video’s that I want to watch again because they are that good.

📜 Quote:

👨‍💻 Tool: Sort Reels for Instagram (Extension)

💡 Tip: When someone gets angry at you, usually it is inner conflict and/or they haven’t understood their own mind (yet). This understanding helps you see things for what they are where anger from others can’t reach you anymore, because you have realized they can’t help themselves and it isn’t about ‘you’.

YouTube Is Your #1 Key To Escape The Rat Race (Here’s How, Fast)

Youtube can be your place
To escape the rat race
Start a channel for every passion
Ignore the ones who call that distraction
You will create so much more
When you do what you want to explore

Every day is different
Your interests will change
To keep posting frequent
You must embrace change
You create your best work
When it not feels as homework
So don’t niche down, but explore your passions
It’s your way out, you will finally take action
Because when you create what you love
It is never enough

Starting to post on YouTube can be your way to escape the so called ‘matrix’ or ‘rat race’.

Because of the Leverage of Art, the Power of YouTube and the Psychology of Relationships.

Let’s unpack that.

Right now you probably work 8h and get paid for 8h.

Or you get paid for 1 project, which takes you 8h.

Making a video on YouTube might also take you 8h, but you keep getting paid, because you keep getting views. Whether it is 1 view per month or 1,000 views per day.

1 video I posted 7 months ago still makes me $100/month.

That explains the Leverage of Art.

The power of YouTube is its massive distribution of your content.

Even though your video on Instagram might get more views, it’s all about total watch hours.

If you get 1M views on your Instagram reel of 30 seconds that equals to 8333 watch hours.

If you get 100K views on your 10 minute YouTube video that equals to 16,666 watch hours.

Which brings me to the Psychology of Relationships.

People buy from people.

Even more so…

People buy from people they know, like or trust.

So by focusing on watch hours, people will know you better and you can monetize a higher percentage of your audience.

And exactly that will help you escape this rat race.

Because the most important thing in your life, if I may assume, is the ‘need for money’.

Once you solve your need for money, by having enough of it to survive for 2-3 years you can climb Maslow’s pyramid and focus on what really matters: ‘self-actualization’.

You can still repurpose & create content for Instagram, LinkedIn and other platforms, but by making YouTube your priority, you will be able to ‘escape’ faster.

So how to practically grow on YouTube?

There is no 1 way.

There is only your way.

Radical self-experimentation is the only way that really works.

That said, you can get inspired.

So I can share the things that have worked for me.

The creation process that works for me is really creating what I want to explore, solve or think about myself.

We are very selfish creatures.

That’s not bad nor good.

Just the truth.

We don’t donate to help others.

We donate to feel better about ourselves.

Understanding you are selfish and not judging this as bad will help you in many ways.

You can get very practical about it and write down every morning what you think about, what problems you face at the moment or what questions you have that day, but usually the most acute things are top of mind already.

I search those on YouTube to see the outlier video titles and thumbnails.

I conceptualize the title and start writing the one that I naturally gravitate towards.

This approach helps me validate the problems/questions/explorations that have the best potential on YouTube from a views perspective.

Does this mean you compromise sometimes on what you REALLY want to create? Or better said, what problem you really want to solve in your life or question you really want to get answered?


That is the honest question.

But Jordan you told me in your other letter that you don’t want to make compromises on artistic freedom…

You’re right.

But I am okay with temporarily sacrificing certain days of creating to get that one video that will take off your Channel SO THAT the next videos will give you more reach.

Everytime you get a viral video you allow yourself to create more for internal reasons on topics that you want to explore the most, because you have a larger audience and still get enough views and money from topics that are unpopular.

You can tell yourself that you can already do this, but the truth is that to 99% of people this doesn’t work because they create on YouTube to create more income.

Tricking your mind doesn’t work.

Don’t fake it until you make it.

Make it so you don’t have to fake it.

MrBeast can make a video today about how he feels and get 10M+ views.

Explore for yourself which video topics are popular that are within your interests.

Create about those topics, without watching the videos.

Do that enough times and one will take off.

Every time one takes off, you set yourself up for more artistic freedom.

Because you will be able to solve your need for money and finally explore the real ‘need’ in life.

The need to see what you are truly capable off.

The thing you are born to do.

The art you are born to create.

Pick one topic per day
That to you feels like play
So that you write 1,000 words
Without feeling the efforts
You can record from this script
It makes it easy not to be skipped

Consistency is key
To finally break free
From this thing, we call matrix
YouTube will be your basis
Start climbing Maslow’s pyramid
To return to the need you had as a kid
This thing we call self-actualization
That is the ultimate destination

Talk soon


PS: This video is worth watching if you enjoyed reading this letter.


or to participate.